Sno22 GmbH is a young company founded in 2008 by the four entrepreneurs Reinhard Schick, Achim Klär, Thomas Bart and Ralf Mack. As they are enthusiasts of the snowboard and skater scene there was a big passion for producing the SnoGlide right from the start. The successful market introduction of the SnoGlide in 2009 surpassed all sales expectations immediately. in 2017 we launched the new Sno22 Website
We strive to be a sustainable company that also helps to protect the environment. The SnoGlide is made from best materials and is assembled in Germany. It is made from a water-resistant 7-layer laminated maple deck, with Glides specifically designed for cold temperatures and mounted with stainless steel hardware. A newly developed rubber grip foam is grippy even in snow and water.
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